Цена снижена! Fundamental of Nursing: Manual / Основы сестринской деятельности Увеличить

Fundamental of Nursing: Manual / Основы сестринской деятельности


Новый товар

Manual 'Fundamental of Nursing' provides a basic knowledge of nursing as a science and a profession. The presented manual is intended to prepare students


отправка в течение 12-17 рабочих дней

Цена со скидкой:
53,32 €


Цена без скидки:
96,95 €


Переплет твердый
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2021
ISBN 978-5-9986-0414-0
Страниц 280
Формат 21.5x14.5x0 см


Manual 'Fundamental of Nursing' provides a basic knowledge of nursing as a science and a profession. The presented manual is intended to prepare students and can help mastering the technologies of general patient care and handling techniques. The manual contains lecture materials, topical issues, test assignments and situational tasks. Designed for students (specialty 31.05.01 'General Medicine', 34.03.01 'Nursing' (English medium)).
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