Цена снижена! Differential diagnosis and diagnostic algorithm of infectious diseases in children: The Practical Gu Увеличить

Differential diagnosis and diagnostic algorithm of infectious diseases in children: The Practical Gu


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This practical guide presents algorithms of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the most common infectious diseases in children. The algorithmic approach


отправка в течение 12-17 рабочих дней

Цена со скидкой:
16,58 €


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30,15 €


Автор Begaidarova Rosa Khassanovna
Переплет мягкий
ISBN 978-5-4235-0155-6
Страниц 144
Формат 28x22x.8 см
Иллюстрации отсутствуют


This practical guide presents algorithms of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the most common infectious diseases in children. The algorithmic approach of this handbookhelpsto assess the clinical situ­ation and the material presented in the form of diagrams allows exploring the key issues easier, finding answers to questions quickly and making an effective clinical decision.
The book will be useful for both medical students and practitioners.
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